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Meet a few recent graduates from 艾尔顿主教高中's Class of 2022. 一日为红衣主教,终身为红衣主教!
    • 杰克·格泽比安|圣十字大学

      One of Jack's favorite Ireton memories was helping plan 同学会 with Student Council. He plans to study Economics and Catholic Studies.

    • Christian Rockwell | Rochester Institute of 技术

      Christian's favorite memories from Ireton were the working on the HackBI leadership team and Kairos retreat. 他计划学习计算机工程.

    • 安斯利·斯克鲁格斯|杰克逊维尔州立大学

    • 安德鲁·麦考伊|乔治华盛顿大学

    • Grace Holloway | Carnegie Mellon University

      Grace's favorite memory from Ireton was performing with wind ensemble for the Mark Fracasso Memorial Scholarship Fund. 她计划学习音乐作曲.

    • 霏欧纳圣. 克莱尔|克里斯托弗·纽波特大学

      Fiona's favorite memories from Ireton were donut days in advisory, All Night Grad Party and the chickens in the spring.

    • 艾莉·史密斯|巴黎美国大学

    • Ana Jones | Illinois Institute of 技术

    • 奥黛丽·斯旺森(Audrey Swanson) |德克萨斯州&米大学

      Audrey's favorite Ireton memories were Spirit Week and Powderpuff Football. 她计划学习化学工程.

    • Benjamin Hovatter | Virginia Polytechnic University

      Ben's favorite service opportunity at Ireton was cooking for the homeless with the Frassati Club. 他计划学习商业.

    • Annabelle Dreher | Christopher Newport University

    • Arthur Seng | Virginia Polytechnic University

    • Bradley Klinck | University of Texas, Austin

      Bradley's favorite Ireton memories were cheering at hockey games and the Kairos retreat. 他计划学习电视和电影.

    • 克莱姆森大学克莱尔·利奥波德

      Claire's favorite Ireton memory was the Powderpuff football game. She plans to study Pre-Professional Health Studies.

    • Brenden Bokino | Loyola University Maryland

    • Ashley Michaelis | James Madison University

    • Brenna Stiles | Virginia Polytechnic University

      Brenna's favorite service opportunity was the Andrew Benson Memorial Soccer Tournament. She plans to study International Studies and French.

    • 加比·阮|福特汉姆大学

      Gabby's favorite Ireton memories include being on the leadership team for HackBI. 她计划学习传播学 & 数字技术与新兴媒体.

    • Connor McNutt |匹兹堡大学

    • 艾弗里·达克|费尔菲尔德大学

    • 康纳·霍夫曼| St. 约瑟夫大学

      Connor's favorite Ireton memories include donut days in advisory and cheering on his classmates in Powderpuff.

    • 菲奥娜·费多罗科|伊萨卡学院

      Fiona's favorite service opportunities at Ireton were Best Buddies Club and their annual friendship walk and Alternative Training Path School visits. 她计划学习剧本创作.

    • 迪亚·梅塔|克里斯托弗·纽波特大学

    • 科林·纳什|亚利桑那州立大学

    • 卡罗琳·科拉洛|宾夕法尼亚州立大学

      Caroline's favorite Ireton memory is the faculty versus senior basketball game. 她计划学习心理学.

    • Gabby Pena |乔治华盛顿大学

      Gabby's favorite memories include cheering on her classmates in the plays and musicals and being a part of clubs. 她计划学习计算机科学.

    • 格雷厄姆·劳伦斯|肯塔基大学

    • 贝拉O'Brien-Gonzalez | Virginia Polytechnic University

    • 斯特拉·赫尔曼|代顿大学

      Stella's favorite Ireton tradition was the senior versus faculty basketball game. 她计划学习市场营销.

    • 凯西奥'Rourke,韦恩斯堡大学

    • 卡特里娜·博伊尔|坦帕大学

    • Courtney Quinn | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • Ezana Mekuria | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • Francesca Ray | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • 克莱姆森大学Harper Lucchesi

    • Hayley Madden |玛丽华盛顿大学

    • 伊莎贝拉·史密斯|美国大学

    • 伊恩·库克|布里奇沃特学院

    • 亨利·斯沃普|宾夕法尼亚州立大学

    • Isabella Leathers | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • Nelsa Tiemtore |布朗大学

      Nelsa loved hosting service fundraisers through honor societies and Charity Through Medicine Club. 她计划学习生物化学.

    • 简·埃尔金斯|伦道夫-梅肯学院

      Jane's favorite service opportunity at Ireton was sharing her Ireton experience with potential families at Open House. 她计划学习政治学 or Foreign Affairs.

    • 杰克·黑尔:弗吉尼亚理工学院

    • 珍妮特·布兰顿|密西西比大学

    • Yechi Nwosu |威廉玛丽学院

      Yechi's favorite service opportunities were being a Peer Helper and visiting local elementary schools as a Student Ambassador. 她计划学习国际关系.

    • Kevin Huynh |葛底斯堡学院

      Kevin's favorite Ireton memory was attending the Kairos retreat. 他计划学习计算机科学.

    • JD Hodges | Ursinus College

    • j·j·约翰逊|威廉玛丽学院

    • 凯蒂·斯科拉斯|天主教大学

      Katie's favorite Ireton memories were Powderpuff football and Advisory Retreat. 她计划学习犯罪学.

    • 伊丽莎白·弗格森|卡布里尼大学

      Elizabeth loved attending morning mass and the Kairos, Camden and Bethany retreats. 她计划学习特殊教育.

    • 杰西·卡洛|林奇堡大学

    • 乔·利斯|匹兹堡大学

    • 梅隆·泽布罗|弗吉尼亚大学

      Meron's favorite Ireton include dress out days, donut Fridays and senior Prom. 她计划学习心理学.

    • 秦克雷默|东北大学

      Qin's favorite Ireton memory was Coffee House hosted by National Honor Society. 她计划学习美国手语.

    • 约翰·普济|宾夕法尼亚州立大学

    • Katie Kessmeier | Savannah College of Art and Design

    • 利奥·巴塞洛马乌斯|雪城大学

      Leo's favorite Ireton memory was senior year 同学会. 他计划学习财务和会计.

    • 麦迪·加拉|弗吉尼亚大学

      Maddie's favorite Ireton service opportunity was founding a club club dedicated to service towards women in the Ireton community and beyond. 她计划学习建筑学.

    • Kelly McCormack | University of South Carolina

    • 基兰·凯莱赫|佐治亚理工学院

    • 梅芙·乔克|代顿大学

      Maeve's favorite service opportunities were attending Kairos, leading Kairos and assisting at Open House events. She plans to study Computer Information Systems.

    • Reagan Houser | University of South Carolina

      Reagan's favorite Ireton memories were the school energy and participation during Spirit Week. 她计划学习犯罪学 and Criminal Justice.

    • 莉莉·泰勒|亚利桑那大学

    • 林赛·王|俄勒冈大学

    • Yabby Mekebeb |波士顿大学

      Yabby's favorite Ireton memories were cheering on friends at sporting events. 她计划学习政治学.

    • Sophia Tuminaro | Savannah College of Art and Design

      Sophia's favorite memories at Ireton include Halloween dress out days and the chick hatching in the spring. She plans to study Creative Business Leadership.

    • Mary Schmitt | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • Mattie Henok | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • 悉尼·萨查|威廉玛丽学院

      Sydney's favorite Ireton traditions include Kings Dominion Physics Day, 高级开放校园的特权和凯洛斯.

    • 索菲娅·索索尔|德雷塞尔大学

    • Will Kopp |德州基督教大学

    • Madeline Esposito | University of Mississippi

    • 马修·森迪|弗吉尼亚大学

    • Matthew Wilson | Virginia Polytechnic Institute

    • Max Zummo |亚利桑那大学

    • 梅根·麦克劳德|东田纳西州立大学

    • 梅勒妮·贝克尔|天普大学

    • 纳迪亚·宾厄姆|詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学

    • 瑞秋·奥康纳|萨拉劳伦斯学院

    • Sam Haskell |路易斯安那州立大学